Why I Will Never Be With an Arab/Desi Man

1. Vertically challenged

2. Controlling

3. Abusive

4. Ignorant

5. Religious only when it is to their advantage

6. They think having a degree makes them intelligent

7. They think they are god's gift to women

8. You will never be as good as their mom

9. They want to mold you to be one of their women

10. Hair everywhere except their heads

11. Misogynists

12. They say they're half-Italian, Cuban, Greek etc. LAME!!

13. They have a ridiculous obsession with the mob- Sopranos, Godfather, Scarface, etc.

14. They are threatened by strong, independent women

15. They always have to be right

16. They can't make decisions for themselves

17. Every girl who is not their mom or sister is a whore

More to come...

*Results may vary, based on a case to case study