ehhmmm OK

So let's rewind back in my life to about 14 years old, maybe 15. I was madly in love with my brother-in-law's close friend. And I do mean MADLY. I was in love with him for about 4 years. I remember the first night I met him, I spoke with my sister before going to her house and she said there's someone here I think you will like. I walked in and my stomach dropped when I saw him- or something to that effect... From then on it was love baby. I anxiously awaited weekends spent at my sister's apartment in hopes that he would also be there, bonus if he spent the night ;) Just knowing he was sleeping in the other room made me giddy, if I got the balls to do it I would go into the kitchen after everyone was asleep "because I was thirsty" and just watch him sleep. We used to debate about politics and while I acted like I couldn't stand him, I loved that he was one of the few people who could take on my dominant personality. The miscellaneous slew of men in my life were always compared to him and they almost always came short. He had no idea. Until..... I wrote him a love letter. Yes, people still do that, shocking I know. One night when I was feeling particularly brave I confessed the way I felt and dare I say it, bared my soul on that piece of notebook paper. He was spending the night as he often did and I walked into the living room where he was laying down on the couch, gave him the note and ran back to the guest room to seek refuge. Fast forward eight years, countless boyfriends and two divorces later. He wants me? I'm over it.

:D:D:D says: (1:20:52 PM)just got back from santa barbara:
ahmed says: (1:21:56 PM)maybe you should have invited me ;)
D:D:D says: (1:23:04 PM)hahahaha
D:D:D says: (1:23:17 PM)that would have been anything but romantic
ahmed says: (1:23:18 PM)or you don't think i'm the right person
D:D:D says: (1:23:28 PM)did you forget i'm not your type?
ahmed says: (1:23:39 PM)who said that
ahmed says: (1:23:45 PM)i never said anything like that
D:D:D says: (1:23:56 PM)no but you showed it
ahmed says: (1:24:17 PM)that's because you were too young...i didn't want to go to jail :)
ahmed says: (1:25:14 PM)can you imaine going out with a 14 yr old !
ahmed says: (1:25:27 PM)if i had done it, you would have hated me now :)
ahmed says: (1:26:14 PM)you will always say...i was used when i was a may even go to jerry springer or oprah to tell your story :):D:D:D says: (1:26:25 PM)
ahmed says: (1:26:55 PM)and then they will say mauritania ? where the hell is did you even meet this guy!
:D:D:D says: (1:29:13 PM)you have to send me a copy of that letter one day if you still have it
ahmed says: (1:29:25 PM)i still have it...
ahmed says: (1:29:29 PM)i'm serious i liked that letter
ahmed says: (1:35:26 PM)but honestly i used to love your family!
ahmed says: (1:35:34 PM)they were so nice to me when i visited
ahmed says: (1:36:01 PM)i feel bad that i never called them to say hi...
ahmed says: (3:09:04 AM)what's new with you?
D:D:D says: (3:10:12 AM)just went out w/ some friends tonight
ahmed says: (3:10:49 AM)which friends....;)
D:D:D says: (3:11:11 AM)its a married couple
ahmed says: (3:11:32 AM)how boring. you are young and should not hang out with married couples
D:D:D says: (3:12:28 AM)lol who should i hang out with then?
ahmed says: (3:12:54 AM)i don't know...with beautiful girls like you
ahmed says: (3:14:47 AM)so, when are you going to invite me over?
ahmed says: (3:15:12 AM)or you are not in love with me anymore ;) grew up
:D:D:D says: (3:15:49 AM)i've been married twice already obviously i had to get over it
ahmed says: (3:17:12 AM)come on were only 15
ahmed says: (3:17:28 AM)i could not talk to you at that age...
ahmed says: (3:17:42 AM)i was young too, but i will have been taken to jail...
ahmed says: (3:18:54 AM)so when are you inviting me over...or is there no chance
:D:D:D says: (3:19:24 AM)what exactly am i inviting you for?
ahmed says: (3:19:46 AM)to visit is your place right
ahmed says: (3:30:44 AM)but i need to settle is so difficult to find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with
ahmed says: (3:33:06 AM)and honestly, i don't want to marry someone from mauritania.....
ahmed says: (3:33:24 AM)i don't like the mentality there....
ahmed says: (3:35:43 AM)maybe because i spent a considerable part of my life abroad

Wow, just wow. Sucka.